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Cookieclicker for controlpanel
Users can enter their email adress they use for controlpanel and then click a button to get free coins (Credits).
BehindProxy - If you are behind a proxy, you can set it to 1.
Clicks_Per_Coin - How often the user needs to click to get a coin.
Max_Coins_Per_Day_Per_User - How many coins the user can get per day.
click_timeout - How fast the user can click the button (in ms).
LogLevel - The log level of the application.
3 = Everything
2 = Warnings and Errors
1 = Errors only
First, rename ecosystem.config.js.example to ecosystem.config.js.
Then edit the env variables in the file.
You can setup the application by running the following commands:
npm install
npm install -g pm2
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
First, rename .env.example to .env.
Then edit the env variables in the file. You can setup the application by running the following commands:
npm install
node index.js
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